Agustina, a young upper-class Uruguayan woman, is assaulted in the street after she leaves work at night. A taxi driver offers to help her. Now Agustina must face her own contradictions.

Category Short film
Original title Mala Facha
Director Ilén Juambeltz
Production Busca Vida Filmes, Dulce Cine, Montelona Cine
Country Uruguay
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 20:00
Year 2023
Language Spanish
Subtitles English
Genre Drama, Live-Action, Thriller


  • “Best short film”, Festival de Cine Nuevo DETOUR, Uruguay (2023)
  • Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG), Iberoamerican Competition, Mexico (2024)
  • Odense International Short Film Festival, Denmark (2024)

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